閱讀更多There are many unforgettable memories to be honest. I was very impressed by how the whole city reacted when their sports teams advanced to the next tier – cars were honking, people were cheering, flags were being waved, which is very different from ours...
閱讀更多Without a doubt the greatest reward is that I now have a huge level of confidence that I certainly did not have in the UK. I now find it much easier to try new things and go out on my own to meet new friend...
閱讀更多最難忘是初到日本就說要登日本最高山峰 ─ 富士山,辛苦到最後親眼目到日出的一刻,除了感動之外,人生又好像燃點了一點點希望,眼淚都停不了。工作假期最大收穫是認識了很多朋友...