Snowbum Life in Three Places

Mich Wong (2010-2014 Australia/Japan/Canada)

Q: Where do you come from?
A: Hong Kong.

Q: When did you go on your working holiday?
A: 2010-12 (Australia), 2012-13(Japan), 2013-14(Canada).

Q: Where did you go for your working holiday and why?
A: Australia, Japan, Canada. I started my working holiday in Australia as it is a country full of energy and has a lot to explore. Fun is everywhere! After two years in Australia, I fell in love with snowboarding so I continued my trip to Japan and Canada. I spent another two winter seasons there and I really love my snowbum life!

Q: What kinds of jobs did you do, and what kinds of courses did you take during your working holiday?
A: I have been working in farm, restaurant, baking factory and bike shop. However, I spent most of my time working in a ski resort and was responsible for repairing snow sport gears and renting them to visitors.

Q: Tell us one of your most unforgettable memories in your working holiday.
A: Snowboarding! My working holiday is all about snowboarding! The experiences of working and living in snowy mountains were absolutely amazing - something you would never have chance to do in Hong Kong. I lived in mountains and got to know all skiers and snowboarders in the town. We explored the mountains together and simply "worked hard and played hard " with our favourite sport every day. This is why we love working holiday - explore the world and have different life experience.

Q: What is the greatest reward you have got from your working holiday?
A: "Knowing yourself" is the greatest reward you will gain from working holiday. From all the good and bad experiences you gained from different places, you will grow and realize who you are and what kind of life you are looking for. I used to have a busy schedule every day in Hong Kong. My life was fully packed with work, family, boyfriend and other stuffs, which ended up leaving no time for myself and I had lost my own track. The trips were great adventures for me to think for and talk to myself.

Q: Can you give 3 tips for young people who wish to visit the working holiday destination of your choice?
Make friends with different backpackers as their experiences and knowledge are ways better than your lonely planet book!
No preconceptions, worth every step.
Earn friendship and enjoy every moment in working holiday!

Q: Is there any extra thing you would like to tell us?
A: Everything starts with your first step. Go with your guts in your working holiday trip. Cheers!

Note: The views and comments expressed in individual sharings are the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the Labour Department. Working holidaymakers are advised to research thoroughly and check up for updated and verified information before departure.
