To be eligible for applying for the Working Holiday Scheme, an applicant must:
- be aged between 18 and 30 (both ages inclusive) at the time of lodging application;
- not be accompanied by any dependent during the journey;
- be ordinarily resident in the HKSAR and holding a valid HKSAR passport;
- be going abroad primarily for holidaying;
- hold a return travel ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket; and
- have proof of financial resources to support his/her initial expenses in the partner economy.
Working holidaymakers are required and strongly advised to take out suitable medical, hospitalisation and liability insurance before departure to cover the possible related costs incurred abroad.
Applicants are reminded that the eligibility criteria, and terms and conditions of individual working holiday scheme are subject to review and change by the host Government without prior notice. For detailed eligibility criteria of individual working holiday scheme, please refer to the websites and updates from the respective host Governments and Consulates.