More than 'Working' and 'Holiday'

Dick (2016-2017 Australia)

Q: Where do you come from?
A: I am a HongKonger.

Q: When did you go on your working holiday?
A: 2/2016 to 2/2017.

Q: Where did you go for your working holiday and why?
A: I went to Australia for working holiday in February 2016. Having a round-the-world trip is my dream. So after I finished my working holiday in Ireland, I started another working holiday in the Southern Hemisphere – Australia. Moreover, there are no quotas for Australia working holiday application. Working holiday visa of Australia is also the easiest to apply for among all of the available countries. So I continued my journey in Australia.

Q: What kinds of jobs did you do, and what kinds of courses did you take during your working holiday?
A: I worked as a fruit picker in most of the time. This kind of jobs is easy to find. I could eat the fruit when I was picking. All of the fruit was so fresh and was totally different from the one I bought in Hong Kong.

Q: Tell us one of your most unforgettable memories in your working holiday.
A: The most unforgettable memory in Australia is the sunrise here. When I worked in the grape farm, I needed to go to work at five or six o'clock in the morning. I needed to wait for the sunrise unit it was bright enough to work. So all of us would sit together and looked at the sunrise every day. It was so amazing that you could enjoy the life and the work every day. And I know life can be very simple.

Q: What is the greatest reward you have got from your working holiday?
A: What I learned most in Australia is work life balance. When I lived in Hong Kong, I had long working hours as well as long time on transportation. It nearly took me 11 hours for working and sometimes I needed to work overtime. After I finished my job, I did not have much energy and mood to do other things. In Australia, the maximum working hours were 38 hours per week and you only need to work 8 hours per day. When I got off from work, I still had plenty of time to do the things I like. And I learned to have a quality life.

Q: Can you give 3 tips for young people who wish to visit the working holiday destination of your choice?
Learn how to drive before you go. It is not only because of convenience, but also for job seeking. You can find some jobs in the farm, however you may not go there because the places may not be accessible by public transport. So learned how to drive.
Pay attention to the second visa (of working holiday). Australia is the only country you can apply for a second visa - that means you can stay here for two years in total. You can have a round travel or earn more money within these two years. But remember you need to work in farms for three months first.
Learn some English before you come. Australia is an English speaking country and almost all people here speak English. If you want to find a good job, you need to have basic level of communication in English. So, practice more before you go.

Q: Is there any extra thing you would like to tell us?
A: When you are planning to have a working holiday, try to make it different. It is easy to keep only working and working when you are outside. But life can be different if you are in the new place. Let your life experience be more fruitful and tough. Working Holiday can be more than 'Working' and 'Holiday'.

Note: The views and comments expressed in individual sharings are the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the Labour Department. Working holidaymakers are advised to research thoroughly and check up for updated and verified information before departure.
